Almina Akbalçık
Young Regenerators Program Fellow
Currently, she is a Masters in Sociology candidate at Boğaziçi University. She completed a Bachelor's degree in Sociology and a minor in Philosophy from Koç University in 2022, after initially studying Mathematics for two years. During her undergraduate studies, she focused on rural sociology, and participated as an undergraduate research assistant in a project investigating the role of engagement in urban agriculture and connections to rural livelihoods in Istanbul.
She encountered with permaculture as she volunteered at the Borrabo farm in Sweden in 2018. With this meeting, she realized that food and agriculture were at the center of poly- crises we are facing today, which convinced her on the importance of working towards regenerating the soil inside or outside the academy. In the following period, she volunteered with TaTuTa at various farms in Turkey. She received Permaculture Design Certificate in 2019 and Holistic Management Training in 2021. During her internship at the Gıda Ormanı, she had the opportunity to apply her experience in crafting and implementing solutions related to soil. While she was in the search of a way to combine the skills she acquired in the academy and her desire to work towards regeneration, she came across the 'Young Regenerators Program' offered by Anadolu Meraları.
Academically, she is interested in environmental history and science and technology studies. For her masters thesis, she studies the transformation in the scientific imaginaries of the soil and the knowledge production patterns about the soil in Turkey, together with the history of the critters whose lives are closely intertwined with the soil.